Not long after the high court passed the request, Bhattacharya’s direction drew the consideration of the zenith court, contending that since a consultation in a similar matter is planned at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, the focal organization ought to be banished from capturing his client till that time. The High Court acknowledged his contention and gave a safeguard to Bhattacharya from being captured till 2 p.m. on Wednesday.

Prior, the high court’s single-judge seat of equity Abhijit Gangopadhyay requested Bhattacharya to confront the CBI by 8 p.m. over a request charging altering and obliteration of optical mark acknowledgment (OMR) sheets in the assessments for enlistment of essential educators in 2014. The seat likewise gave freedom to the focal organization to capture Bhattacharya on the off chance that he doesn’t coordinate in the examination cycle.

On September 23, Bhattacharya had moved toward the High Court testing a high court request coordinating CBI test regarding this situation and expulsion of Bhattacharya from the seat of WBBPE president. The matter is booked to be heard on Wednesday at 2 p.m. also, till that time Bhattacharya has got alleviation from any durable activity, including capture by CBI detectives.