The one who got the stingray let the scholars know what sort of creature he had found. At the point when the officials got to the scene, they were even stunned when they checked out at the ocean animal. Researchers estimated it and observed that it was 13 feet in length and weighed around 300 kilograms. The stingray was additionally tracked down on June 13 in the upper east of Cambodia, south of Stung Treng, in the Mekong River. From that point forward, the video and photos of the stingray were shared generally on various web-based entertainment locales.

Before the biggest stingray, the biggest creature that lived in new water was a catfish. In 2005, the catfish weighed around 293 kg. It was tracked down in a similar waterway in Thailand. The news was first displayed on Thailand’s neighborhood news channel. The video of the stingray, which was likewise posted on YouTube, showed a gathering of local people and scholars taking the canvas off the stingray and returning her to the waterway. Individuals can be heard expressing farewell to the monster stream creature as they leave it in the water in the video.

As we’ve previously said, an angler from northern Cambodia was exceptionally shocked when an immense stingray got found out on his snare. At the point when he hauled the snare out of the water, he tracked down the biggest creature in the lake on the planet. The stingray is around 13 feet in length and weighs around 661 pounds. Public Geographic, which is one of the main natural life telecasters, said that the stingray was gotten on Koh Preah island on the Mekong River in the Stung Treng region on June 13, this year.

Moul Thun was the name of the angler who got the fish. Thun, who is 42 years of age, told the specialists when his snare got the stingray. We’ll hit you up with additional subtleties and new data.