The Tokyo Game Show this year will be very different from the previous years, as Microsoft will not be presenting any new hardware or games at the international show; despite their new Xbox One Elite.

Exact Time and Dates

While the timezone conversion can be tricky, Tokyo’s Game Show will officially kick off at 4 PM JST, which is equivalent to 12 AM PST and 3 AM EST. Since watching the show in North America might become challenging for many Sony and PlayStation fans, news websites around the internet including GameSkinny will be covering important details and announcements to keep you in the loop. In fact, we already have some highlights up!

Among some of the many anticipated announcements, the gaming community hopes to hear more about the Bloodborne expansion that was promised, along with the PS4 version of The Last Guardian that is highly anticipated.

Microsoft’s absence

It’s quite a surprising turn of events with Microsoft hiding in the shadows during the show. Having just created the new 1TB Xbox One Elite along with the Fallout 4 edition, Microsoft is bound to have plenty of news to share with the world, but they won’t be doing it in Tokyo.